
The aim of the pma young crew events is to connect members with each other and with project management experts. Please note that you need to attend at least three pma young crew events per year to benefit from the advantages of your pma young crew membership. If you are not yet a pma young crew member, you can attend a get2gether once for free and see what the pma young crew does. You can find all information about pma young crew membership here.

This time, we will discuss the book "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. We are looking forward to discuss how minimal changes lead to maximum effort and kindly ask you to read the book beforehand. 

First come, first served: As a pma young crew member, use the priority registration for events via our free self-service tool. You can also easily change your newsletter preferences and personal data.


Gymnasiumstraße 6
1180 Wien


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