The goal of the pma young crew events is to connect members with each other and with project management experts. We offer the following events with varying frequency throughout the year. More information about dates and registration can be found here. Please note that you need to attend at least three pma young crew events per year to benefit from your pma young crew membership. If you are not yet a pma young crew member, you can attend a get2gether once for free and see what the pma young crew does. You can find all information about pma young crew membership here.

pma young crew Events
  • pma young crew get2gether
    pma young crew get2gether

    The aim of this regular training event is to network pma young crew members with each other and with experienced PM professionals. Through presentations by renowned experts, participants at each young crew get2gether also have the opportunity to deepen their know-how in a wide range of PM specialist areas and to receive input and feedback on questions from their own day-to-day project work. Since 2022, regular book club evenings have also been held again under this event format, where participants can discuss and exchange relevant specialist literature.

  • pma young crew meets PM experience
    pma young crew meets PM experience

    As part of the series of events "pma young crew meets PM experience", the young project managers can gain an insight into the project management of well-known companies and exchange and network with employees and managers. pma young crew members not only receive first-hand best practice tips on their career path, but can also network specifically and find out about open job opportunities on site in the companies and meet decision-makers from the PM sector in person.

  • pma young crew Workshop
    pma young crew Workshop

    The pma young crew workshop is the annual highlight of the pma young crew event calendar. The entire program takes place in an interactive setting over a weekend, where PM methods, management skills and practical examples are discussed with experts. The two-day event also gives young project managers the opportunity to exchange ideas internationally. Young Crew members from Austria's neighboring countries are regular guests. The focus this year is on the topic of "Leadership". The additional entertainment program in the evening of the two workshop days ensures that the interpersonal component is not neglected.