February 18th 2020 - According to a recent member survey by Projekt Management Austria (pma), project management (PM) is becoming increasingly important in organizations. This is stated by around two thirds of the 140 survey participants. More than half assume that this trend will continue even more strongly in the future. More than 60 percent of respondents consider the growing complexity of projects to be the greatest challenge.

"Today, many tasks can only be handled in projects," confirms Brigitte Schaden, president of pma - Projekt Management Austria. More than 50 percent of the respondents expect that digitalization will change the job profile of project managers and that the number of jobs in PM will still increase. In terms of collaboration, virtual or intercultural teams are still seen as having a lot of potential.


Stability in a volatile world

When asked which trends will additionally influence the project management business in the future, the project managers primarily cite the "application of agile alongside traditional PM methods, artificial intelligence, permanent change, even greater speed, as well as cost pressure and globalization". "Especially in a dynamic time characterized by upheaval, project management represents the only constant that can mediate between agility and stability," says Brigitte Schaden.


PM certifications are in demand

As the need for professional project management grows, so does the demand for excellent PM expertise. Since projects mostly implement important parts of the corporate strategy, two thirds of the companies surveyed pay attention to PM certification in human resource management. Every second company surveyed already has career paths for project managers or is preparing them. "Companies that offer special career paths will have the edge in recruiting," pma president Brigitte Schaden is convinced.

The fact that demonstrating competencies in project management can also be a career booster is reflected in the number of certifications. "More than 1.300 people successfully completed a certification according to pma/IPMA® last year," says pma office manager Alexander Vollnhofer. In total, there are more than 21.000 people in Austria who are certified according to this international valid standard. Tendency further rising.


New: Agile Leadership

From April 2020, Projekt Management Austria, as the official IPMA® certification body, will also offer 'Agile Leadership' certifications for executives as well as project and program managers.


pma focus 2020: Leading event for project management

On October 14th 2020, the Austria Center Vienna (ACV) will host pma focus 2020, Austria's largest professional congress for project management. The theme this year: "Back to the Roots: Project Management - Proven. Up to Date. Successful". Information and registration with early bird bonus: https://www.pma.at/pmafocus2020


About pma

Project Management Austria (pma) is the largest Austrian project management association with about 1.300 members. Founded in the 1960s and operating as a registered association since 1973, pma today represents an established platform for communication, exchange and continuing education. The goal of pma is the quality assurance of project management and the recognition and further development of the profession "project manager". pma is the official IPMA® certification body for project managers. As an active member of the globally active International Project Management Association (IPMA®), pma is internationally connected. www.pma.at