Participation in events (exception: pma focus) is free of charge for pma members. A certification does not automatically include a pma membership. Non-members can participate in our events for a fee of EUR 60.00 (VAT-free), if places are available. For the pma award gala dinner we charge EUR 75.00 due to the higher quality menu.
Member companies have the following free quotas: corporate membership silver and gold: 3 persons, corporate membership platinum and sponsoring membership: 5 persons.
Participation in the events is recognised as further training for recertification (exception: pma award gala dinner).
By registering for one of our events you agree to the production of photographs. Photographs in which you can be seen can be published for information purposes and for the purpose of pma's self-portrayal, e.g. in press releases, on the pma website, the social media channels or in newsletters. For further information about our general terms and conditions for Events click here.
All pma events are held in German, unless otherwise announced.
WIFI Innsbruck Campus, Innsbruck